About Jean

Jean works full-time as a Licensed Certified Substance Use Disorder Counselor (SUDC). She also is a Mindfulness Meditation Instructor and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach with certifications from the University of Holistic Theology and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. And now Jean can add the title of published author of a paperback and eBook entitled “Finding Hope on the Other Side of Depression: Slogging Through and Breaking Free.” Read her current blog to find out more.

Jean is excellent at taking the lofty, lovely, and powerful concepts of Mindfulness Meditation and making them clear to participants through the use of visual imagery and effective guidance. Jean’s health coaching platform is diverse allowing each client to find their unique, individual path for wellness and healing.

She includes these two modalities in her substance use disorder sessions as additional aides for relapse prevention.

Published Book

Jean is the published author of a paperback and eBook titled, Finding Hope on the Other Side of Depression: Slogging Through and Breaking Free. Her “teaching memoir” details her time spent in three mental hospitals within one month—diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety. 4 ½ years later, Jean emerged from that Category 5, Hurricane Katrina, storm-of-the-mind thinking about life very differently and with a renewed sense of purpose.

Her story was self-published through Serene and Green with Jean Publishing in December 2022.

Read it here!

Mindfulness Meditation Practice with Jean

Today, we introduce Mindfulness Meditation Practice with Jean using PAIR to get ready for each meditation session – Position, Anchor, Intention, and Remindfulness.

Created by: Jean Stoddard and Matthew Stoddard.

Mindfulness Meditation Practice with Jean (All About Position)

Today, we focus on the different positions and tools that make meditating interesting and comfortable.

Created by: Jean Stoddard and Matthew Stoddard.

Mindfulness Meditation Practice with Jean (A Meditation Journey Through our Breath)

This is a meditation journey through our breath.

Created by: Jean Stoddard and Matthew Stoddard.

Mindfulness Meditation Practice with Jean (Remindfulness)

Today, we are going to focus on Remindfulness, the 4th acronym of PAIR. PAIR is found in Lani Muelrath’s book The Mindful Vegan.

Created by: Jean Stoddard and Matthew Stoddard.

Mindfulness Meditation Practice with Jean (Where Buddhism Meets Christianity)

Today, we discern the deeper differences between the egoic and mindful minds where Buddhism meets Christianity.

Created by: Jean Stoddard and Matthew Stoddard.


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